Why Seven of Nine Was Captain Shaw’s Perfect First Officer

In Star Trek: Picard, the relationship between Captain Liam Shaw and Seven of Nine is a compelling narrative that delves into leadership, personal growth, and the challenge of confronting deep-seated prejudices. While Shaw’s rigid and often abrasive demeanor made him appear an unlikely ally to Seven, their evolving dynamic revealed why she was the perfect choice as his first officer aboard the USS Titan.

“No matter how you slice it, no matter what time continuum, it’ll always come up Seven of Nine.”

Confronting Personal Demons

Captain Shaw’s decision to appoint Seven of Nine as his first officer was a significant step in his journey toward confronting his own biases and fears. As someone with a traumatic history involving the Borg, Shaw’s choice to work with Seven—a former Borg—was laden with personal challenges. Reflecting on this decision, Shaw’s actor, Todd Stashwick, stated, “I think Shaw had a lot of growth that he needed to do. And so by hiring a person who was a former Borg, [it] allowed him to confront fears and prejudices in himself.” (MZNOW)

This decision was not just about filling a role on his ship but about pushing himself to overcome past traumas. Working alongside Seven forced Shaw to face his prejudices head-on, a process that was both difficult and transformative for him​.

A Necessary Voice of Dissent

Another critical aspect of Shaw’s decision to choose Seven as his first officer was her ability to challenge him. Shaw understood the importance of having a first officer who would not just follow orders but would question and push back when necessary. As Stashwick noted, “She was the best choice. She challenged him on things that needed challenging, and he knew that she would do that. So, a good captain chooses a first officer that isn’t a yes man, that challenges his order”​ (MZNOW).

This respect for Seven’s perspective and strength highlights Shaw’s growth as a leader. Despite his initial resistance, Shaw valued the dissenting voice that Seven brought to the bridge, recognizing that it was essential for effective leadership​.

A Story of Redemption and Growth

Throughout Picard‘s third season, the evolving relationship between Shaw and Seven is marked by significant character development. Shaw’s initial reluctance to fully accept Seven’s identity as a former Borg gradually gave way to respect and acknowledgment. Reflecting on the importance of their dynamic, Stashwick remarked, “No matter how you slice it, no matter what time continuum, it’ll always come up Seven of Nine.” (MZNOW)

This statement underscores the inevitability and rightness of Shaw’s choice.

In selecting Seven as his first officer, Shaw not only chose the best person for the job but also took a crucial step in his own journey of redemption and self-improvement.

Their relationship serves as a powerful reminder that true leadership is about embracing challenges, both external and internal, and growing from them​.


  • RedShirtsAlwaysDie. (2023). Why Captain Shaw has Seven of Nine as his first officer on Titan. Source (Redshirts Always Die).
  • SlashFilm. (2023). Why Captain Shaw Won’t Call Hansen Seven Of Nine In Star Trek: Picard. Source (SlashFilm).
  • The Digital Fix. (2023). Who is Captain Shaw in Star Trek Picard season 3? Source (The Digital Fix).
  • MZNOW (2024) Michael Zavala‘s Interview with Todd Stashwick Source (Youtube)

Watch the full interview with Todd Stashwick on MZNOW with Michael Zavala.

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