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Patriot Pete’s Halloween Special

Pete is BACK for Halloween!

Why Houses Are Haunted

Michael solved the mystery!

3 Reasons to Get a Pocket

The Analogue Pocket is a great buy according to Michael.

The Studio is Haunted

The studio is haunted and nothing works!

Plus, Michael reviews the Meta Quest 3 in an all-new Inspecting Gadgets!


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Follow the Boys:
Michael Zavala @michaelzavala
Eric Star @mrericstar
Clark @justsimplyclark

Follow the Show:

Instagram: @mznowtv

Produced at mzStudios

Straight Outta Compton Was Not True

Flesh from Bone Thugs talks about the inaccuracies in the movie.

From Fan to Fame

Krazy talks about his journey to the 504 Boyz.

The Best of MZ – 10.17.23

The show plays a round of Ice Cream Roulette. One cup of ice cream contains Blue Bell which MAY contain listeria. Who will win this “game” of death. Then later, Michael and Crissy prank a follow shop. Plus, find out which celebrity made it to number one of the most awkward interview in show history…so far.

His Animatronic Collection

Matt the Franchize explains how he got his Chuck E. Cheese animatronic.

Krazy Works with Harrison Ford

Krazy talks about his time on Hollywood Homicide.

Big Tex Returns

Clark and his AI try to make amends.

Big Tex returns to the show to talk about his post-State Fair activities.

Then later, Clark talks about building his own homeless network in Dallas.

Watch the Show

Follow the Boys:
Michael Zavala @michaelzavala
Eric Star @mrericstar
Clark @justsimplyclark

Follow the Show:

Instagram: @mznowtv

Produced at mzStudios

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