Next Show Release: 1.12.16


8.13.19 ft. Kevin Eastman

We’re celebrating 35 years of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with co-creator, Kevin Eastman. Plus, the show reviews Amazons’ The Boys and says RIP to The OA. Then later, Michael deals with a wasp infestation on his porch.

The Best of MZ – 8.6.19

Star Trek’s Marina Sirtis calls the show! Plus, Michael finds a lost beagle and Jaime gets a commercial.

GAME: Guess Who’s Bigger?

Can you guess who is bigger (as in taller)…Michael Zavala or (Insert Celebrity Here)? Listen to find out!


Eric Star gives his review on the live-action Lion King remake. Plus, Michael experiments in finding the perfect Starbucks drink. Then later, has another vacation get-a-away been ruined? Find out!


MZNOW is back in their brand new studio! The show gives their thoughts on the new season of Stranger Things, the new Picard trailer, and Marvel’s fourth phase. Plus, check out the newest game, “Guess Who’s Bigger?”

The Best of MZ – 7.16.19

Comedian, Tom Green freestyles in studio. Then later, the show plays “Have You Heard It?” Plus, a special MZNOW bonus!

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