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Don Knotts Had A lot of Bullets!

Barney Fife may have had one bullet but…

Kevin Conroy’s Batman Will Return

We have not seen the last of his Batman…

3.26.24 ft. Madison Humphrey

TikTok star, Madison Humphrey and her husband Brayden are in the studio.

Madison talks about her creation processes and how she got started on social media.

Plus, William Shatner turned 93!

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Follow the Boys:
Michael Zavala @michaelzavala
Eric Star @mrericstar
Clark @justsimplyclark

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Instagram: @mznowtv

Produced at mzStudios

How Irish Are You?

Clark heads out for St. Patty’s Day.

Lamb Chop Lives On

Mallory Lewis talks about keeping her mother’s legacy alive.

Lamb Chop Lives On with Mallory Lewis

Lamb Chop lives on with Mallory Lewis and tours the world to delight fans both young and old.

Mallory shares stories about her mom and talks about her book, “Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop: The Team That Changed Children’s Television.”

You can purchase the book on Amazon.

Find out where Mallory and Lamb Chop will be next by going to

Don Knotts was Always Funny

Karen Knotts shares a story about her dad growing up funny.

Top 5 John Candy Movies

Clark shares his Top 5 John Candy movies


After weeks of anticipation, Eric Star reveals how Greyhound saved his life.

Plus, Clark pays tribute to John Candy on the anniversary of his death.

And the KFC Chizza might not be so bad.

Watch the Show

Follow the Boys:
Michael Zavala @michaelzavala
Eric Star @mrericstar
Clark @justsimplyclark

Follow the Show:

Instagram: @mznowtv

Produced at mzStudios

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