Next Show Release: 1.12.16


Chris Quits His Job

Well, it’s true what they say…you never know unless you try. Chris tried to join the millions of Americans in the workforce but only made it two months. At least he gave it a shot, right? Chris talks about his horrible eight weeks and the reason why he quit in the clip above. Check it out!

Flick Flashback

How well do you know 90’s movies? Can you can guess the movie from a short audio clip? Test your skills with Eric Star’s new game, Flick Flashback! Chances are you’ll do better than anyone one the show. Listen to the clip above and tell us how you did!

Jaime Interviews Giancarlo Esposito

Our very own, Jaime the Tattoo Guy, had his FIRST celebrity interview. It turned out to be Giancarlo Esposito from Breaking Bad and Revolution. How did he do? Find out for yourself by listening to the clip above.

A Wedding Surprise

A show regular had a surprise wedding last week and you’ll never guess who it is! Well, maybe you will. If you said Alexis, you would be correct. She and her now husband went before a Justice of the Peace to say “I Do” for life…or at least for right now. Find out all the details in the clip above.

The Walking Dead Presidential Elections

Jaime the Tattoo Guy headed out to the Walker Stalker Con in Dallas armed with one simple question:

“If all of the characters from the Walking Dead were running for president, who would you vote for?”

Some of the convention goers voted for some unexpected candidates. Even (currently alive) Alexandria resident, Tobin (Jason Douglas), got in on the action. Find out who won in the clip above!

Worst Date Stories

So you think YOU had it rough? If you want to feel a little better about your terrible date, check out these stories from Sara, Bobby, Eric, and Michael. You might have a little more pep in your step for that long Walk of Shame. When you finally get home, take a shower and a nap, then pick yourself back up and get back out there and try again (And by “get out there” we mean back on Tinder or Grinder, which ever you prefer).

Gotham Returns

Gotham‘s second half of the seasons starts tonight on Fox. David Mazouz (Bruce Wayne) called the show a few weeks back to talk about the show, life, and his new movie! Check out the full interview above.

How Many Hours is Fuller House?

Netflix has brought back Danny Tanner and the gang this weekend! There was much rejoicing. If you’re trying to figure out how many hours to set aside to binge watch Fuller House, have no fear. Michael takes on the simple math challenge so you don’t have to.

Here’s a clip of Dave Coulier on the show back in June 2015 talking about Fuller House:

Of course, Michael has to make things awkward by doing his infamous Ray Romano impression:

If you want to hear the fuller interview (haha, we got jokes), click here.

Trump VS The Pope

Could this be the biggest fight of the year? It’s a showdown between Donald Trump and the pope himself! It all started when the Pope called out Donald for wanting to “build walls.” Watch Trump’s response:

Chris on the News

Chris was interviewed by Fox 4 news in Dallas last week about the rising crime in the gay area. He said he gave them interview GOLD but they only used the boring stuff. He knew could have been then next Sweet Brown viral sensation! Listen to the clip above to hear him talk about the whole experience.

Here’s the full story and video:

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