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Eric gets a voicemail from his biggest fan. Plus, Michael misses out on his chance to buy his first pair of Crocs. And he’s not happy about it. Then later, is it proper etiquette to wear a mask in a drive-thru?
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Eric gets a voicemail from his biggest fan. Plus, Michael misses out on his chance to buy his first pair of Crocs. And he’s not happy about it. Then later, is it proper etiquette to wear a mask in a drive-thru?
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Lola talks about her new and unconventional relationship. Then later, it’s the 2018 DVR graduation! Plus, Michael details his near-death experience that happened over the break.
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Comedian and actor, Jason Salmon is on the show. Also, Jamie the Tattoo Guy brings in a special guest. Plus, Spider and Michael review the top songs on Spotify in 2018. Then later, the show listens to William Shatner’s new album, Shatner Claus.
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UFO Joe is at AlienCon in Dallas to find someone weirder than him. Also, are you a bad texter? Find out if you’re guilty of some bad texting habits. Plus, Miss Tex is back to talk about the best food at the State Fair of Texas this year.