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It’s Valentines Day on the show! Alexis shares her experience from her first ever Comic Con. Who was protesting the convention? Then, the show give you a quick Deadpool review.
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It’s Valentines Day on the show! Alexis shares her experience from her first ever Comic Con. Who was protesting the convention? Then, the show give you a quick Deadpool review.
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Eric gets a voicemail from his biggest fan. Plus, Michael misses out on his chance to buy his first pair of Crocs. And he’s not happy about it. Then later, is it proper etiquette to wear a mask in a drive-thru?
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IronE Singleton, who played T-Dog in the Walking Dead, is on the show talking about life after his AMC TV show. Also, Michael challenges Bobby to lose weight and Chris explains his beef with Taylor Swift.
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Eric Star gives his review on the live-action Lion King remake. Plus, Michael experiments in finding the perfect Starbucks drink. Then later, has another vacation get-a-away been ruined? Find out!