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Chris is back with an all new Gay Rant. Also, the show plays ‘Christian Grey or Dexter’ and a special guest calls the show.
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Chris is back with an all new Gay Rant. Also, the show plays ‘Christian Grey or Dexter’ and a special guest calls the show.
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Eric Star looks back at some of Sara’s best moments.
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Michael makes a huge mistake and can’t figure out how to fix it. Then later, Jaime the Tattoo Guy, Bobby, and CDUB play another round of ‘Does This Make You Feel Old?’ Plus, Michael is inspired to write a moving speech for the country.
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William Shatner goes to space! Plus, Michael releases a brand-new (sorta) single for the first time since 2014. Then later, Eric and Michael talk about their trip to New York with Chris Sapphire.