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Kevin Costner On Preparing for the Apocalypse

Legendary actor, Kevin Costner has survived a lot in his movie career. From The Postman to Waterworld,  Kevin knows a thing or two about surviving the apocalypse.

Recently, Kevin called into MZNOW to talk about the newest season of Yellowstone. Michael Zavala asked if working on post-apocalyptic movies helped him prepare for the pandemic we are facing now. Clark, a huge fan of the movie, Bull Durham also asked about Kevin’s history with baseball.

Did you grow up playing baseball?

I grew up playing. Playing in the street, playing as much as I could.

And there’s all these little things you do as a kid, you know, ‘no chips on windows.’ I don’t know if you ever heard that term. But for those who don’t know what that means is that, if you hit somebody’s windshield or knock somebody’s window out in the neighborhood,  you decided before you started playing ‘no chips on windows.’

Guys who knew they couldn’t hit it that far, they never wanted to go in on the insurance. I just grew up playing the game, you know? And so all three of the movies, Field of Dreams, Bull Durham, Love of the Game were really important to me in my career.

Was there a Major League baseball catcher that you modeled Crash Davis after?

No, not really. I played shortstop and pitch when I played. It was beautifully written and I understood what I had to do.

Have post-apocalypse movies help prepare you for the pandemic we’re in now?

That’s so funny.  I’ve always had a high survival instinct for my family and for my friends. And I have thought about a number of things that goes wrong when you have 300 million people in a country. And the world operating the way it was and the infrastructure that you need. It’s just very tenuous. It’s just really right there.

‘Most people don’t want to think about that. Most people kind of laugh at you if you do.

But I have. I’ve always been that way.

Kevin Costner can be seen on Yellowstone on the Paramount Network.

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